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i will consider it in the future 

(1 edit)

Have I finally found a AVN that the MC isn't trying to fuck his step-sister? lol and not molesting every girl he see's. Kind of a breath of fresh air this one. 


glad you enjoy my game, friend




when is the next update?


Sorry for the late reply, it will come soon. I just finished some irl problems few days ago and got back to my normal workflow.

I was asking about the ideea of romania and I think that some scenes characters should talk in romanian

that would be very cool, but i don't know much about Romanian so I am not very confident to add them in 

well if u want i can help and do some research too if you want to with writing and locations

Hey I have a question the fact that romania is mentioned in the game is based on what idee curious because I'm form romania and I loved the fact that there is a game where some action in happening here

yes, it will

how do you get the third gallery?

Hey Dev, I hope u r doing well in ur life. I writing this in hope that you'll give us an update on the game. U have been giving us teaser and that's how we all know that u didn't abandoned this game and u r still working on it. We've last played this game 1 and a half year ago. Pls dev, we r dying to try ur new update. Pls release it. We've grown impatient.🙏🏻😭

is there impregnation?


i will consider about it in later update

Thank you for being open to it, and thank you for a  reply.


Chinese translation wanted!





Appreciate you sharing this. This sort of communication is important so it's rather disappointing that they themselves have said nothing (In regards to the next update) since May. Neither on here, nor on Patreon after giving that a quick scroll.


How close are you to getting ep5 up?

Hey, I've been trying to download the apk but it tells me it's for an older version of Android and it crashes, does anyone have any advice on how to download it?


Don't click anything on the option. Just click outside the white box and it should disappear


hey Aigas, just wanted to know how chapter 5 is going and when we can expect a public release. Have a good one

goated gameplay, stunning visuals. but i gotta ask u smth, have u by any chance taken inspiration by Nii-Chan and his games, cause the background music is from MBML and a few things resonate with Sicae and all. But still the game is damn good

Where to find episode 1

it's already include in ep4 update

Deleted 94 days ago


It has been an absolute pleasure playing this VN thus far. Great story and emotions in this. I so look forward to the next updates here. Keep them coming 

This is surprisingly good! Was expecting a typical loser MC + tsundere sister + other ladies loving this loser MC for no reason type of porn game.

I couldn't have been more wrong, the story is interesting and all the characters (including the MC and tsundere sister) are not what the seem inititaly.

Please keep up the good work and hopefully development can speed up!


I hope I can speak Chines


Dear Dev, this game, albeit short at the moment, is cute and superb. 
    1) Character development:
        Goodness... I love Irena's character was developed... totally not expected how she turned out. In addition, MC is a fucking menacing badass! Reminds me again don't judge a book by its cover... Every character in this game has unique personalities and stories. I also appreciate there are other male characters who are not just some dumbass lusting for the girls, but rational people who have goals.
        One minor criticism was I was a little bit suprised when one of the LIs confessed to the MC at THAT moment. I understood she needed love and understanding, but I wasn't sure if romantic option was the best for her. That sudden twist in emotions was a bit abrupt. I am glad that we got options to choose whether to pursue feelings with her or not. She's just too adorable and I really wanna just see her as family. 

    2) Story:
        It's not perfect, some dialogues are a little bit dragging. But the main story is very intriguing and I'd love to see what happens on Episode 5!

    3) CG and animations:
        There was some lagging during the H-scenes (even the music for those scenes were lagging for a moment), which is definifely a minus. But nonetheless satisfactory.

    4) Music choice:
        They subtly fit the scenes. Just a side note, I recognized that there are quite a lot of Ehrling's soundtrack appearances in the game. Maybe it will help the game more immersive, if we were to use soundtracks from more artists.

Again, wonderful work!!! Looking forward to seeing the next update!


why does everyone want a chinese translation T-T


I hope there will be a Chinese translation, thank you.


Any updates from the game maybe this game is abandoned because she post may 28 2024 from the teaser from ep 5


there's a preview of ep 5 from the 7th july on patreon, nothing but wallpapers since then. i'm guessing aigas is busy irl

Great game with Cool Renders, Animations , and Amazing Story

the Mc was Cool 😎 

(Highly recommended)

Really I'm going to try it maybe it's good I don't know

i can tell you, this game is very good. nice plot, good dialogue, amazing quality

(1 edit)

Awesome Story looking forward to the next update :) 5 Stars!  - ptjz 


Need walkthrough pdf

I will try to make one in the next update.
Thank you for the suggestion.

Thank you


>20 years old

>go to school

Every single one VN developer nowadays thinks about school thrope. If you choose this path, call it college at least or something.




I need Chinese,thanks


这个游戏有中文版本吗 thanks


I need Chinese



I wanna play this game but whenever I open the app it keeps shutting down please help (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

what platform do you play on?


Is there a Chinese translation available?


I'm sorry but currently, we only have English option since I doesn't know much about Chinese. However, if there are many others that request it, I will try to make it happen. Thank you

Godammit this game is so addicting . Amazing work. Cant wait for the next update.

(1 edit) (+1)

Just completed the current content (Episode 4). Although I'm not really keen on those hidden/bad factions plots, the story is engaging. I appreciate the slow building of the relations between the mc and the other characters. I also like  the funny bits. The graphics are nice. The main characters are interesting and learning bits of their backstories is surely a plus. I was really happy that we were able to choose the kind of relation we want to have with ... [no spoilers here] So, my personal verdict after those 4 episodes: I quite enjoyed the game, eager to continue the story. Thanks.  I will support you on your Patreon. 

(1 edit) (+2)

Hello, Nice game btw just some issue about the chatbox sometimes it shows a different name that the one that is actually talking. For me that's the only issue but overall is a great game. Looking forward for the next updates.

Edit: Just one more issue that i noticed.. Is that the chatbox.. I suggest having a setting where we can adjust the textbox opacity because some h scene are not visible because of the textbox. 

Deleted post

thank you, friend, I'm glad that you enjoyed my game so far.

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