Twisted Fates Episode 3 Part 1-Release schedule

Hi everyone, Aigas here, bringing you the release schedule for Twisted Fates Episode 3 Part 1 + Episode 1 Remake 

- Ice Cream Lover and above: Sep 29th (GMT+7)

- Soda Drinker: Oct 2nd (GMT+7)

- Supporter: Oct 4th (GMT+7)

- Follower: Oct 7th (GMT+7)

- Public: Oct 9th(GMT+7)

 Episode 3 Part 1 changelog:

- 866 renders (377 is from Ep1 remake)

- 1750 lines of code

- 3 new animations

- 8 new SFX and music

And to answer questions you guys might want to ask

 Why "Part 1"?

 First of all, I'm very sorry that I can't give you guys a full episode this time, and that is a shame for me since I can't fulfill my words. So, why there is only "Part 1" of Ep3? The answer is something happened lately and it will make me really busy with other stuff for at least a month, so I don't think I will have time to continue with developing Ep 3 furthermore. That's why I decided to release what I have finished to not keep you from waiting.

 But don't worry, I will be back to develop Twisted Fates right after I take care of my real-life business.

Thank you for reading.


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Either way it's huge news. Personally I didn't think the renders for Ep1 were that bad but I can't wait to see how they were improved!

Sucks that you're busier than you expected to be but life happens. Hope things go by smoothly for you with that and the next release when you have the time!


thank man, after working with the game for a while I realize that ep1 render wasn't really great, it doesn't mean it was bad, but I still want to make an upgrade to it, that's all